Starseed Training Specialists

Empowering Starseeds to Better Serve the Planet

Home of The Discovery of Star Markings by Lavandar

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Hello Arielle
I just wanted to let you know… you absolutely nailed it! Made me laugh and cry with self-recognition. Plus you explained why I felt I didn’t belong on this planet, for so many years.
Sending you huge gratitude for the work you do. Thank you Arielle!
Belinda xxx
Bundaberg, Australia

Dear Arielle,
Thank you so much for the amazing amount of information you’ve provided me. I just need to assimilate it all now, although much of it is not really a surprise to me. Mainly, it confirms a deep knowing I’ve had that has become stronger throughout my life as well as clearing up some of the information I’ve received that I didn’t really understand, nor dare to believe. So! I’m not crazy after all 🙂
Thank you for assisting me in having the confidence to embrace my purpose in a much deeper and more conscious way.
Much Love and Gratitude for the Wonderful and very important work you’re ALL doing.
Kalamazoo, MI

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