Reviews from Around the World

Dear Arielle,
Thank you so much for your reading as it confirmed a lot for me. An interesting point you mentioned was that the galactic activation first happened when I was between 3 to 6 years old. I remember that time quite clearly as I used to tell my parents that there were beings in my room and they didn’t believe me and were actually scared of it. I think since then I shut the lines of communication down because I thought it was something to be afraid now. Now, I know they come with love.

Further confirmation was the Jesus/Mary Magdalene connection, as another energy healer showed me a past life where I was a close handmaiden to Mary Magdalene and was with them through their whole lives on earth.
Many blessings.
London, England

Dear Arielle,
I am in deep gratitude .. Thank you 🙏🏻
I received my reading in such divinely orchestrated times. First of all with the energetic shifts happening (Ascension ), it was auspicious times for me to have a super clear and powerful confirmation of my life path and what I am here to do by being at service. I feel honored and empowered by the light & love through your confirmations. Literally the moment I heard the MP3 reading I started feeling like a healers channel opened up and the frequencies started coming through my being. It was truly powerful and magical.
Brooklyn, NY

I wanted to deeply thank you for the work you did on my reading.
I know I took a very long while to receive it. [we had a huge waiting list at the time] I assure you the timing was perfect. It came at a powerful time and I felt much energy and information open up after receiving it.
I wanted to send you a note to simply thank you for this work, your commitment to doing the readings in such a profound, beautiful and powerful manner, and for your encouragement.
A big hug and much Love,
Santiago, Chile

This is quite on target. It’s good to know I’m pretty much on target with what I should be doing. I know you can’t possibly (and shouldn’t) remember every reading you do – but I will say that I am amazed at how well it all lines up.

I’m listening now as you say, “You did come here to transmute and transform belief systems on this planet.” I’m a university social work instructor specializing in implications of social justice and human rights. I spend a lot of time deconstructing students belief systems in our current institutional structures trusting that it will lead, at least some of them, to question religious systems as well.

I won’t bore you with a line by line melding of your statements to my life – but thank you. I often question my purpose here on this planet and have often wanted to simply throw in the towel. I’ll listen to your recording whenever I find myself on the “hopeless” end of the spectrum.
Thank you again!

Hello Arielle,
I just wanted to thank you so very much for the powerful reading you provided me! I really appreciate all of your insights which are helping me to rediscover many aspects of my heart and soul! This reading has truly changed my life! Thank you!!!
Love and Light,
Newport Beach, CA

Hello, Arielle ~
I DO want to take this opportunity to tell you how moved and inspired and *thrilled* I was by your reading for me. I couldn’t even guess how many times I have re-played and re-re-played the MP3, sinking in a little deeper and expanding into it more each time. I am deeply grateful to you for this beautiful gift.

(Oh—and shall we mention your voice?? What a voice!!)
I was more than delighted with your reading for me.
Toronto, Ontario

Thank you with ALL MY HEART for doing this for me.
It all resonated and a lot I have not been able to make sense of my whole life finally does now, and I’m so excited to explore it further.
I’m crying happy tears, and I knew if anything showed up, it was going to be Pleiadean.
I can’t thank you enough,
Hyannis, MA

Thank you so much Arielle!
Oh my, what a truly wonderful gift to receive this information, and at exactly this point in my journey! I feel like I am floating in a space of comprehension and knowing that I have never had before.
So much about who I am and how I have functioned (or tried to function) over my life now makes such perfect sense to me.
This has also helped me in the process of knowing the answers to most of the outstanding “why” questions of my life’s journey to date, and some of the key “what next” questions. Also explains why I have so many star people as friends, family and clients, I assume.

And by the way – you have a lovely, velvet voice which is so balanced and modulated, it is a “download” in itself just listening to you speak on the audio recording!
I wish you all the blessings of this beautiful day.
Brookville, Ontario

Hi Arielle,
Whoa…. What a ride I had listening to my reading. It was really fun and revealing!

There were many instances of validation of myself and then even though I knew it was me you were talking about, it felt abstract hearing all the wonderful information that makes me ME 🙂 Your reading is the first astrology reading that I’ve had that I could understand almost all of what my charts expressed. I so appreciated how you explained the charts in a soothing, easy to understand way, especially since I am definitely a novice when it comes to astrology.
With loving appreciation,
San Francisco, CA

Big hugs & a Thank YOU for my reading! Your reading brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy and a knowing that I needed to hear this. It brought validation to everything that I’ve been doing so far. The markings of galactic service runs deep through me. I know I’m here to serve.
Right after I ordered the starseed confirmation, I pretty much ate up all the information on your website. 🙂 I spent a few hours reading every page. I was deeply fascinated and wanted to know more. hehe

I went and bought some silica this evening because I definitely feel the connection between me and the mothership isn’t clear enough. I’ve been working with a computer nearly every day since I was 10 years old so perhaps that has depleted me?
Much love,
Manila, Philippines

I am so thankful and grateful for your reading! So much resonated with me. I feel as in the past two years a switch was turned and my life has changed dramatically. That communication and guidance you spoke about has been such a large part of it. You hit the nail on the head so many times I can’t even count them. Thank you so much! Blessings to you and your family. Thank you for the work you do.
Namaste, Cheri
Oconomowoc, WI

Thank you so very much~
I was riveted throughout the entire reading. It makes so many things much clearer. I look forward to reading much more and I’m getting some silica on the way home!
Dodge City, KS

This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced. This is very validating because in hypnotherapy I have remembered experiences in Atlantis. I thought I was going crazy. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you for what you’re doing for us, I feel happier for having experienced your gifts.
With love,
Yakima, WA

Hi Arielle!
Thank you so much for the wonderful reading!! I am so happy I was able to connect with you and learning about my mission here as a Star Seed. I feel honored to know that my work on this planet is crucial for the evolution of humanity.

In the reading material you sent me, I remember reading that sometimes Star Seeds forget their mission and often times will have to be assigned a new mission. The last few years I have been struggling trying to find my place on this planet and for a while I thought I had forgotten my mission.

Today’s reading helped me in so many ways. I knew since I was a little girl that I was sent here to help people and animals heal from trauma. I have always felt very connected to nature and animals. In the last 10 years or so, I have developed the ability to telepathically communicate with animals and the elementals. I can feel everything the planet feels.

After I read Lavandars book on Crystals, my perspective has changed dramatically. I’ve been collecting crystals for decades, but I never learned to cherish them or use them properly until I read the book.

I am so grateful to you. I feel as though through this reading, you initiated me into the Galactic mission. It feels like you activated the Light Codes in my DNA to remember my mission. Thank you so much for everything. I love your energy and as a fellow sister Aries, I feel you get me.
Sending you so much LOVE!!
El Paso, TX

Hi Arielle,
I just wanted to let you know that I listened to my starseed reading two
days ago – and I want to express my gratitude and immense joy receiving
your message! You have the most wonderful soothing voice and I was able
to listen along without any problems. I’m not a native speaker, as you
surely know 🙂
Other things you mentioned seem to stir something like, I can almost,
but not quite remember, like the Jesus and Mary Magdalene connection. I
feel a deep longing to know more about this. When it comes to the Divine
Feminine, since my teen years I have always had an interest in the
feminine side of spirituality, the witches, Wicca, the Old religion,
this feels like, “being a fish in the water” to me. I’m absolutely
determined to remember more about this and would love to know more about
the connection of all this to Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
With much love, light and blessings from Germany,
Mindelheim, Germany

Dear Arielle,
I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am for your reading. It was so resonating and confirmed what I have felt all along! I apologise because have been meaning to send you this thank you for a few days now, but I haven’t stopped listening to the mp3 all week, and I’ve been in a bubble.
Biggleswade, England

Hello Arielle,
I have just finished listening to the MP3 and looking at the materials…truly, this is so much more extensive and expansive that I would have ever imagined…thank you so much for your time, energy and illumination of my charts…it will take me a bit to sort thru the info…all of it makes perfect sense as to who I perceive myself to be and how my life shows up in the “world” of matter…very exciting times…will be in touch for the next level of communication with you…Again, I am very appreciative of your expertise and service to all…
San Diego, CA

Hello Arielle,
I just wanted to thank you so very much for the powerful reading you provided me! I really appreciate all of your insights which are helping me to rediscover many aspects of my heart and soul! This reading has truly changed my life! Thank you!!!
Love and Light 
Newport Beach, CA

Hello Arielle!
So very much to say, and I would love to tell you sometime, although I know how busy you must be. I just finished listening to my beautiful reading and couldn’t let any time pass to tell you that I am truly honored and blessed. Everything was either confirmed or questions answered, both leading me the direction that I have been asking for. Every word you spoke resonated, and was carried by the voice of an angel.
Much love to you always,
Albuquerque, NM

Hi Arielle,
I can’t thank you enough for your help. Your readings have helped me understand a lot of aspects of my life that were blur to me before. I must say I am relieved to know now what I am capable of and what I must do. Also, the links you provided are extremely helpful. Thank you again!
Much love and light,
Mumbai, India

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