Lavandar was directed by the Pleiadeans to go to Cairo, Egypt on Pleiadean Line Up, November 17-19, 1983 to officiate for a Pleiadean Initiation Ceremony. What they didn’t tell her before she got there, is that there would be a Walk-In demonstration. Going to Cairo, Egypt, means getting on an airplane. When her father wanted to take her picture before boarding, Lavandar said, “Daddy, you know I always put my bubble up before I get on a plane!” To that her father gave his usual skepticism and said, “Humor me,” and took the picture. The photo above is what her father saw after picking up the prints at the drugstore. He later wrote, “I guess you had something there…” If you look closely, you can see the words ‘Delta South’ at the top of the misty area, and at the bottom, her legs and jeans, purple coat and large handbag. All the other prints were normal. Her ‘bubble’ was invisible to the naked eye, but the camera clearly shows it.

Before she left the US, the Pleiadeans instructed her to hire a diver to go to the bottom of a particular lake near Hot Springs, Arkansas to retrieve 40 pounds of tiny, double terminated crystals that she would later call “The Giza Crystals”. These crystals were secreted away in the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza for two days and nights, where the Pleiadeans beamed a programming frequency into them. When she asked them what they were for, their reply was that they were to be a balancing beam between man and Nature. She asked how powerful they are, and was told, “Seven and a half times celestial power, but you have nothing on your planet with which to measure such power.” Over the past 40 years, these crystals have been distributed across the planet at sacred sites, gem power points, sites of war battles, in lakes, and anywhere that the people to whom she gave some felt inspired to place them.

When she arrived in Cairo, she met Mahmoud, whose ancient family bloodline had been “Keepers of the Keys” to the Great Pyramid for 35 generations. When he first saw Lavandar, he said “You have returned as you promised.” It was he who arranged her private use of the Great Pyramid, and took the crystals to the Queens Chamber, where she and he had 2 hours of missing time. Above, you can see Mahmoud’s left hand resting on the edge of a large bowl filled with the tiny crystals from Arkansas.

Lavandar told several people that she was going to Cairo for a Pleiadean Initiation Ceremony, and they could come to Egypt if they wanted to witness it. Eighteen of them showed up. She is shown above holding her hand crystals (also from Arkansas) as she facilitated the Ceremony, standing at the head of the sarcophagus. For two months prior, she did toning and chanting exercises to prepare herself physically to hold the energies for the event.

A well known, Oscar winning actress takes her turn in the sarcophagus for her Initiation, while Lavandar conducted the Ceremony. Lavandar was her Galactic, spiritual trainer for several years, and through that teaching, she in turn enlightened millions of people.

When they emerged from the Great Pyramid on November 19, 1983, this photo was taken. This is the view of the Great Pyramid with the Sphinx at your back and above the underground passageway that connects the two. About a quarter of the way up from the bottom, you can see the entrance to the passageway, but only in the photo. The tunnel actually is there, but not visible. Taken right after the Ceremony ended that morning, when to the naked eye, the sky was blue, the Pyramid and surrounding sand were their normal tan. The white/gold light on the right and left was also not seen by the many people gathered. The shadow of the Sphinx seems to be in the lower foreground…or is it? All other prints on the roll were normal.