The true story of the discovery of star markings you’re about to read is a clue, but just a clue, as to how galactic beings conduct their demonstrations and experiments upon the planet of Earth. It makes me wonder now if perhaps these experiments are also conducted in similar fashion on other planets as well. It has taken me a long time to decide to be the scribe and release this information, as I have tracked it since 1980. It all started right after I bought an A-frame house at Cripple Creek Colorado and was taking a break away from psychic counseling for a while.
Whenever I traveled into town or on a long trip, I would take my ephemeris to aid me in the discovery of star markings. The ephemeris is a book which shows the astronomical placements of planets on a person’s birth date. I had completed my studies to be an astrologer at the Academy of Atlantis in California back in 1975, and had used those tools to tune into people to assist them with their life’s path. When I didn’t have access to a chart, I would simply look at the ephemeris for the planet placements.
A curious thing started to happen right after the eclipse on Feb. 16, 1980, which was at 26 Aquarius. No matter where I was, or who I was meeting for the first time, I was finding people with 25, 26, 27 degree planets. It made no difference whether they were young or old; every one, and I mean every one, had these 25, 26, 27 degree planets, which now are three of the seven markings I call “Star Seed Codes.” At first I just thought, “How cute.” Then it became apparent that something was entering my life from the “twilight zone” as I finally figured out that the odds of this happening were right off the astronomical chart of probabilities. An astrology wheel has 360 degrees in total. There are 12 astrological signs with 30 degrees in each sign, so to my amazement there were only 36 chances out of 360 that I would find someone with one of these 3 particular Star Seed Codes. So why was I only drawn to people with these markings? Click here to Continue to Part 2