I worked with these codes for extensively for eight years after the demonstration was over. Then the next level of training started with a bolt of lightning, literally. Actually it was four bolts of lightning.
I can pinpoint the date, June 5, 1991, when forces came to put me on the path to the next level of Star Code knowledge and tracking. I was living in a house in North Georgia, and that morning a red cardinal kept flinging itself against my window. In the past I have experienced feathered beings bringing me messages about certain timings. I had known that it was time to leave the area, but didn’t know where to go. Then, I had a visitor from Florida who wanted a reading. I was reluctant, since I was taking a break from doing readings, but she kept pressing me. Finally I agreed.
The house had a screened-in porch surrounded by big tall pine trees. As I was preparing to speak about her starseed planets, lightning struck to my left. Since I had been struck by lightning three times in my life, (that’s another whole story…) I decided that this time I wanted to use it and not be afraid. The first strike hit a tree, and I breathed in. I became aware that I was taking some kind of power and energy into my system. It seemed to increase my energy and courage. I kept talking. Then the second strike happened to my right, again a tree. Both strikes were in front of me as I looked to the south. I breathed in again, gaining strength and courage. Within 30 minutes, there were two more strikes in back of me, thus the four directions. The trees were charred and smoking, my client was now quivering, but I was feeling like I’d conquered my lightning fear. After the reading she offered her home in Florida for me to house sit, and there it was, the opening to leave Georgia. As I walked away from the cabin that day, an eagle flew over me and it occurred to me that I was indeed to go to Florida to find “the eagles,” which again, is another whole story. In about a month, when I was visiting a girl in Ft. Lauderdale, I found the keystone that took my star code training and tracking to the next level. It showed me about genius and where the evolution of the planet was going.
At my friend’s house, I was waiting to receive a fax from another friend in California. She and I were working with actor/environmentalist Dennis Weaver, who had gotten a request to help with a documentary on Nobel Prize Winners, and she wanted me to look at the proposal she was faxing. While waiting for the 85 pages to come through, I got an unexpected call from a lady who was going to hear a man lecture that night, and insisted that I go with her. Imagine the jolt I got when I found out that his subject for the evening was Nobel Prize Winners. Looking back, I now know it was not a mere coincidence that I met a man named Roy Tate, who was the author of a book called “The Astrology of Genius”. He had done an astrological study of 427 Nobel Prize Winners, looking for a pattern of similarities in their charts.
His birthday was September 16th, so he had a 26° Virgo sun. I went to his lecture and spent time with him afterwards. He was a unique one…a psychiatric nurse, never been married. I sat up for hours looking at these charts. Because of what I had discovered years earlier, I automatically scan for Star Markings in a chart. To my utter astonishment, here’s what I found: 95% of the Nobel Prize winners were born with the markings, received their prize on a day with the markings, and they died with the markings. Click to Continue to Part 5