Starseed Tool Belt – Part 2

Knowing what energies the planets are creating each day is essential to a successful journey, just like checking the weather before going to sea. You don’t have to know anything about astrology, plus, it’s a great way to learn passively about the planetary influences and it’s called daily transits. It takes the current astronomical position of every planet in relation to your natal (birth) planets, and calculates the aspects. That’s what a daily transit is. If you’re planning something big, look for the best window, or at least, look for any “bad weather” that would increase chances of failure. It also helps you to navigate everyday activities to serve you in the best way.  There’s an app for smart phones and desktops that I found called Time Passages, and it tells you what your current transits are, although it doesn’t pinpoint the entrance, peak and exit, it will help. The definitions that come with the app are watered down, but entertaining.  The reference book “Planets in Transit” by Robert Hand is the definitive work on transits, and it’s available all over the web. Use it to interpret your transits, and eventually, you’ll have a great understanding of planetary influences.  Of course, there are other astrology programs that will also serve, but Time Passages is quite affordable and uses text instead of symbols on the transits.

For example, if you need to have a difficult conversation with someone, look for favorable Venus aspects, or a favorable Moon position. Avoid harsh Mars transits, which can stir up hostility.

When you’re ready to launch a new project, you can stack the deck in your favor by choosing your timing with intention, having the planetary “wind” at your back.

Know where the moon is for timing your activities. There are many sites on the net with that info. Always make sure that the moon is not void of course, and Mercury is not retrograde, to launch anything you care about. There are some moon signs that are better for one thing than another, so try to learn the basics of the energies of each sign. For instance, if you’re looking for approval on some project, avoid moon in Virgo, because people can become very critical then, looking for flaws. But it would be a good time for you to check your work.

We have a Basic Astrology for Starseeds downloadable course coming soon, which you can find on our Services page. It tells you just the basics of what you need to know to track your transits. Click Here to Continue to Part 3

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