Starseed Health

If you don’t already know this, you are slowly being poisoned! And if you’re Starseed, many of these poisons are more hazardous to you. The threats below have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be harmful to living creatures, yet the truth has been denied and obscured by those who profit from them. Don’t pay people to harm you!

It’s difficult enough to do the work you’re here to do without being bombarded by physical challenges and energy drains. This list is not all- inclusive, but it contains what we know now and what you can do about it.

  1. Electro-magnetics. You can’t get away from it. It covers the globe wherever there are cell phones, cell towers, WiFi, computers, microwaves, TVs, hairdryers, anything electric really, radio signals, satellite signals and the list goes on. Your body and energy field is under constant assault, even if you know better than to be around these things without protection, and there are many things you can use to shield yourself. Elite Shungite (from Karelia, Russia), Orgonite (also called Orgone), standing barefoot on ground, shielded phone cases, turning off the WiFi at least at night, are just a few. Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) from Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) is in your home and your outside world, and it interferes with your own bio-electric field, or life force. The result can be anywhere from feeling tired all the time, having headaches, depression, insomnia and other health issues, caused by constant exposure to EMR. It acts like kryptonite, especially to Starseeds. It can interfere with your connection to your Galactic Guides. The bio-field of starseeds will be more sensitive to EMR, and we strongly urge you to educate and protect yourself!
  2. Artificial Sweeteners: (aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame.)
    Aspartame, likely to be in anything “sugar free”, mostly diet sodas, is possibly the worst of these three. Starseeds are prone to headaches anyway, and that’s the least of the dangers. Aspartame attacks the nervous system, can mimic M.S., Parkinson’s or other neurological diseases, increases lymphomas, leukemia and brain tumors in rats – even in small doses. This information is publicly available on the internet. As many as 98 different toxic side effects have been reported, including addiction to it! Without belaboring the corruption that took place to legalize it, what we need to do now is be aware and STOP USING IT!  The methanol breaks down at 86° F into formic acid and formaldehyde, which is embalming fluid!
  3. Sucralose, has nearly as many side effects as aspartame, but since it hasn’t been around as long, we don’t know yet. They start with sugar and use chlorine to alter it. So far, it has resulted in a shrunken thymus gland and enlarged liver and kidneys. They aren’t required to put any logo on the package containing it; you have to read the ingredients. Anything that boasts “No Sugar Added” should say “No Sugar, Just Poison!” Anything that boasts “Low Carb” is suspect, also.
  4. Acesulfame K is argued to be worse than aspartame, having been shown to rapidly cause thyroid tumors in animals and possibly a carcinogen, and these are things you can research on your own
  5. Liquid Stevia, an herb extract, is a great alternative, and has no calories or side effects and is totally natural. Five drops is like a big spoon of sugar. It’s great in smoothies, baking, teas, almost anything. I use it for homemade lemonade, using organic lemon juice, and it’s wonderful! It’s a must have for diabetics. We recommend the KAL liquid brand for superior taste. The powdered form can have an aftertaste if fillers are used to keep it from caking.
  6. Sucanat™ is organic evaporated cane sugar. It’s a whole sugar with all the minerals intact, so it’s almost like taking a vitamin. It’s a healthier choice than white, brown or raw, and it’s delicious!
  7. MSG – Monosodium glutamate MSG is an excitotoxin and may aggravate many neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. MSG (and excitotoxins) side effects may include seizures, brain cell damage, allergies, rashes, asthma attacks, headaches, and brain tumors. It’s used as a flavor enhancer to do one thing: sell products. It has an addictive quality, so “You can’t eat just one!” How long does a bag of Doritos last? It’s in nearly everything you eat, although they have to hide it now, because they know people may reject their product if they read labels. The regulatory agency in charge helped them get around that sales liability by not making them list constituent ingredients. So if I buy your hydrolyzed protein, because I know YOU put the MSG in it, I don’t have to say that on my label, because I only bought hydrolyzed protein and am not legally responsible to list another company’s ‘constituent ingredients.’ These healthy sounding ingredients always contain MSG:
    Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
    Hydrolyzed Protein
    Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
    Plant Protein Extract
    Sodium Caseinate
    Calcium Caseinate
    Yeast Extract
    Textured Protein
    Autolyzed Yeast
    Hydrolyzed Oat Flour
    These frequently contain MSG:
    Malt extract
    Natural Flavoring
    Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring

    There’s always the clever claim “No Added MSG!” Legally, that only means that THEY didn’t put any in; not that it’s free of MSG.
  8. Sodium Nitrite (Sodium Nitrate)
    Sodium nitrite (or sodium nitrate) is used as a preservative, coloring and flavoring in bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, corned beef, smoked fish and other processed meats. These additives can lead to the formation of cancer-causing chemicals called nitrosamines. Some studies have found a link between consuming cured meats and nitrite and cancer in humans.
  9. Aluminum
    As the metal aluminum is present in our food, water supply, and soil, most people suffer from some degree of aluminum toxicity. After years of accumulated exposure and storage of it in body tissues, this poison can have results ranging from brain degeneration to skeletal deformities. Dangers of Aluminum Toxicity: It is particularly poisonous to the nervous system with a range of symptoms that can include disturbed sleep, nervousness, emotional instability, memory loss, headaches, and impaired intellect. It can stop the body’s ability to digest and make use of calcium, phosphorus and fluoride. This prevents bone growth and reduces bone density. Aluminum can also cause conditions which actually force calcium out of the bones. Either of these situations can bring on weakness and deformation in the bone structure with crippling effects. Toxicity can also result in aching muscles, speech problems, anemia, digestive problems, lowered liver function, colic and impaired kidney function.
    Sources of Aluminum:
    Buffered aspirin, Diarrhea and hemorrhoid medicines can contain aluminum. Antacids can contain as much as 200 mg. Antiperspirants and douches. Aluminum pots, aluminum foil, beverage cans. Stainless steel cookware can be a source as well. Aluminum salts, sodium aluminum phosphates. Alum is a form of aluminum sulfate that is used in the pickling solution to firm up the cucumbers. Every time you use your anti-perspirant deoderant, drink from a can, cook your food or take an aspirin you’re accumulating more.
  10. Tanning Beds can have adverse effects on your bio-field, and while there aren’t any studies to quote, those of us who can see auras know that it’s not good for starseeds.
  11. Microwave ovens and microwaved food.
    Two researchers, Blanc and Hertel, confirmed that microwave cooking significantly changes food nutrients. Hertel previously worked as a food scientist for several years with one of the major Swiss food companies. He was fired from his job for questioning procedures in processing food because they denatured it. He got together with Blanc of the Swiss Federal Institute of Biochemistry and the University Institute for Biochemistry. They studied the effect that microwaved food had on eight individuals, by taking blood samples immediately after eating. They found that after eating microwaved food, haemoglobin levels decreased. “These results show anaemic tendencies. The situation became even more pronounced during the second month of the study”. (Is this why so many are tired all the time?)
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