Take our Starseed Quiz now! We’ve seen lots of these on the internet. Some are so broad that they dilute the results, so here’s our own Starseed Quiz, based on over 30 years of working with Starseeds and ETs. Even so, these questions only raise the possibility, and you still don’t know for sure. But combine the results with Galactic Starseed Astrology, look for your natal star markings for confirmation, and tighten your focus on your mission! After you take the Starseed Quiz, look for the link below to take the next step.
- Do you feel like an outcast from society?
- Do you wonder if you were adopted, feeling like you don’t belong to your family?
- Do you feel lonely or isolated even with friends and family?
- Were you an unexpected child?
- Do you have a high IQ?
- Are you dyslexic?
- Do you have compelling eyes with personal charisma?
- Do you have an artistic gift, a healing or scientific ability?
- Are you a Sci-Fi fan and believe in life on other planets?
- Have you had missing time?
- Is your body temperature higher or lower than normal?
- Do you have allergies or physical sensitivities?
- Do you have headaches, nose bleeds, pain in your joints?
- Do you ever wake up with marks or bruises that weren’t there before?
- Have you ever seen tiny red puncture marks on your fingers or toes in the morning?
- Have you ever thought you saw a small light orb from the corner of your eye?
- Do you have memory of abductions or ET contact?
- Have you ever dreamed you were in a classroom aboard a ship?
- Do you have very vivid, unusual dreams?
- Do you fly in your dreams?
- Do you have a deep reverence for Nature?
- Do you have a ‘way’ with children and animals?
- Are you childless, with no desire for any of your own?
- Have you ever healed with your hands?
- Are you drawn to crystals and stones?
- Are you sensitive to light, sound, or odors?
- Are you sensitive to electromagnetic fields, like from computers, Wi-Fi or cell phones?
- Do you have memory of a past life?
- Can you read people’s energy, see auras or thoughts?
- Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
- Have you ever heard or felt unseen entities?
- Are you psychic, empathic or telepathic?
- Do you gravitate towards metaphysics and astrology?
- Do you believe in a Universal Source, rather than God?
- Do you shun organized religion?
- Is purple one of your favorite colors?
- Do you have a sense of urgency to do something and a yearning for home?
- Do you feel compelled to help others?
- Are you drawn to certain numbers, codes or symbols?
- Are you driven to “save the planet?”
- Are you fascinated with astronomy and sky watching?
- Was your mother supposed to have twins, but only had you?
- Have you had visitations at night, or had sleep paralysis?
- Do you have bad reactions to some pharmaceuticals?
- Do you have ADD or ADHD?
- Do you keep seeing double numbers, like on the clock or license plates, especially 11:11?
- Are you drawn to owls or emerald green?
- Do you have RH negative blood?
- Do you feel drawn to sacred sites, like Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, South France, Mt. Shasta, Sedona, or other mystical places?
If you can answer “yes” to more than half of these questions, PLUS you have 25, 26, or 27 degree natal planets or house cusps in any sign, you are almost certainly a Starseed. We’d be happy to help you discover your Star Markings, if you have them, in any of our consultation services, like the Starseed Confirmation Reading!