Starseeds and Nobel Prize Winners by Lavandar

At my friend’s house, I was waiting to receive a fax from another friend in California. She and I were working with actor/environmentalist Dennis Weaver, who had gotten a request to help with a documentary on Nobel Prize Winners, and she wanted me to look at the proposal she was faxing. While waiting for the 85 pages to come through, I got an unexpected call from a lady who was going to hear a man lecture that night, and insisted that I go with her. Imagine the jolt I got when I found out that his subject for the evening was Nobel Prize Winners. Looking back, I now know it was not a mere coincidence that I met a man named Roy Tate, who was the author of a book called “The Astrology of Genius”. He had done an astrological study of 427 Nobel Prize Winners, looking for a pattern of similarities in their charts.

His birthday was September 16th, so he had a 26° Virgo sun.  I went to his lecture and spent time with him afterwards.  He was a unique one…a psychiatric nurse, who had never been married.  I sat up for hours looking at these charts. Because of what I had discovered years earlier, I automatically scan for Star Markings in a chart. To my utter astonishment, here’s what I found:
95% of the Nobel Prize winners were born with the markings, received their prize on a day with the markings, and they died on a day with the markings. 

There are twelve signs in the zodiac, represented by twelve houses set as a 360° wheel.  Within this wheel is energy that matches constellations and other cosmic things.  Each 30° house / sign contains points at 25°, 26°, 27°, giving a 36 out of 360 chance of having one star mark on one day.  What are the odds that over 400 out of 427 had 25°, 26°, 27° planets at birth, AND at receipt of their Award AND at their passing? The enormity of what I saw was so overwhelming that I had to go lie down for three days. And that doesn’t even include the other four Star Marks I knew about that I saw repeating in many charts.  This was the keystone; they had led me to the big picture that went with all the pieces I’d been collecting and joining together since 1980.

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