Why Star Markings Are Important by Lavandar – Part 2

When I think of all the different people that I would ask for their birth information for the discovery of star markings they might have; chefs, taxi cab drivers, stewardesses, pilots, hairdressers, doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, etc., and how they were somehow, some way guided to be in my path, then I have to figure that this was some kind of galactically designed plan.

One time I was in a restaurant and on impulse, I stood up and announced that I was working on a project for the discovery star markings, and I needed to have everyone’s birthday. So I passed a tablet around for everyone to write their information. There were about 75 people in the restaurant and I was surely going to find ONE that was not Star Seed. WRONG. EVERY PERSON had the markings. I just about flipped. What made those people all be there at that moment? Why did I stand up and ask for their birth dates? This is when I knew how planned out this was by beings a lot more attuned than I. Later that night, I drank a lot of wine – because now it was ‘beyond the beyond’ in tracking.

This went on from Feb 16, 1980 until November 18, 1983. In those three and a half years, every single person I felt compelled to ask, every person I met, had these Star Markings. It was clearly a demonstration orchestrated by advanced beings. Then it stopped suddenly. Over. I remember the timing because it coincided with the completion of another galactic assignment. It had been my task to lead 18 people, one of whom was Shirley MacLaine, in a two-night initiation ceremony that took place inside the Great Pyramid of Giza in Cairo, Egypt, on what I call Pleiadean Lineup. This is an alignment of planets to the Pleiades, which happens twice each year. I had in my possession 40 pounds of tiny double terminated quartz crystals, which I had been telepathically directed to acquire and bring to the pyramid. They had been secreted away in the Queens Chamber for those two nights while a group of off planet Pleiadeans placed codes of frequency within these crystals. When I asked for an explanation of how powerful these crystals were, all that was told to me is they resonated to the 7th celestial power, and we had nothing on this planet with which to measure that. I was only to know that they held a balancing beam that would be placed between man and nature, and their energy would be time released through the coded star marks of 25, 26, 27 degree astronomical timing. Ahah! Now I was beginning to comprehend the purpose of the demonstration and Grand Design of the last three and a half years. These are just two pieces of the puzzle. Click Here to Continue to Part 3

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