The Discovery of Star Markings by Lavandar – Part 3

astrological chart; the discovery of star markings

I would refer to these crystals later as the Giza Crystals, and have tracked some of their comings and goings over the last 25 years, as I worked the discovery of star markings. Since my book was published, titled “Quartz Crystals: A Celestial Point of View,” I knew a lot of crystal light workers that devoted much of their time to planting crystals around the world at sacred sites, trees, lakes, buildings, monuments, etc.

One place in particular has more Giza Crystals than any other place, and that is Ayers Rock in Australia. I received lots of calls and letters from people telling me that they had been instructed to fly to Australia and plant these Giza crystals at Ayers Rock. My last recall was that about 100 people had ventured to plant these crystals. I keep wondering why so many people were spiritually and galactically drawn to take these crystals to Ayers Rock. Last year, I got a telephone call from someone who told me that a hieroglyph had been found in one of the newly discovered pyramids in Egypt, and that it matched the hieroglyph that is on the top of Ayers Rock. When I heard the translation, I just about fell to my knees. They both refer to Time Travel. WOW. How off the chart is that? Even more than the discovery of star markings.

So back to November 18, 1983, when the “high strangeness” demonstration about asking people for their birth dates stopped. Now, very few would have these markings. In fact, no one that I met on my trip home from Egypt had any of these markings and I paid close attention to this oddity. It was like I had been a human galactic Geiger counter finding Star Seeds, and once I was through with the demonstration, it all changed.

What happened next was that I was drawn to Star Seed, Walk-Ins, and Lightworkers without asking for their birth information; I just knew. That’s what the three and a half years of demonstration had taught me. I became so familiar with the energy of these Star Seeds, that I didn’t need the ephemeris. I usually would go up to a stranger, hand them a Giza Crystal, and just keep walking. After all these years, I have come to know that these crystal energies are time released and activate on their own, but I have noticed that when the planets are in those galactic degrees of the star codes, they seem to be activated the most. Click Here to Continue to Part 4

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