The Discovery of Star Markings by Lavandar – Part 5

There are twelve signs in the zodiac, represented by twelve houses set as a 360° wheel.  Within this wheel is energy that matches constellations and other cosmic things.  Each 30° house / sign contains points at 25°, 26°, 27°, giving a 36 out of 360 chance of having one star mark on one day.  What are the odds that over 400 out of 427 had 25°, 26°, 27° planets at birth, AND at receipt of their Award AND at their passing? The enormity of what I saw was so overwhelming that I had to go lie down for three days. And that doesn’t even include the other four Star Marks I knew about that I saw repeating in many charts.  This was the keystone; they had led me to the big picture that went with all the pieces I’d been collecting and joining together since 1980.

Now the interesting correlation is that there has been a particular program running for a long time on this planet from the Pleiades.  The Pleiadeans run their programs from 25°, 26°, 27°, 28° and 29° of Taurus.  The time of Atlantis was the Age of Taurus, and that constellation was very active during that time.  Every 26,000 years it cycles.  The Age of Taurus for Atlantis was Pleiadean.  They had the play in Atlantis, they had they play in Egypt, and they’ve got the play now.  So in harmonic relation, 25°, 26°, 27° of each sign has to do with the activation of all the galactic species to come back and finish what they started a long time ago. 

Because I had been tracking this since 1980, when I saw this, I realized it’s what determined whom I would meet.  I had always wondered about the nature of the energy that navigated people into my life, since during my initial training on this, which lasted for three and a half years, every single person I questioned had at least one 26° marking, which is the apex.  I knew that there are Universal harmonics governing all energies, but after this final demonstration, at last I had the decryption key which connected me to several global plays that would affect millions in the balance.

I took these assignments with much trained discernment concerning certain celebrities and political figures who also had these markings. Some went on to great accomplishments. Others crashed and burned, because of a lack of discernment and enough arrogance to be interloped and used as pawns by other Galactic species having sinister intent.

Most of these global plays were conducted through the Walk-In and Walk-Out Experiments that were allowed to bring forth dimensional knowledge. Not much has been written or spoken of these procedures, as it creates too much fear and apprehension to many who do not have the galactic manual of ET experiments. Click Here to Continue to Final Part 6

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