The Grand Design – Part 1

You must first understand the importance and true nature of quartz crystals and silica before you can begin to grasp the scope of the Grand Design behind Starseed, Walk-Ins, Lightworkers and Indigos.  The following excerpt is from “Quartz Crystals: A Celestial Point of View” a book channeled by Lavandar as a message from the Great White Lodge of Antares.

“Quartz crystals are the manifestation of the Creator’s finest hour of expression. They are windows of light with many facets, showing the myriad dimensions of life created from cosmic dust in an ever expanding Universe. Divine Plan has foreordained that all expanding life revolve around one common denominator: quartz crystal. Through frozen solidified light, all creation could be monitored and assisted through the evolutionary process.”

“The Crystal Brotherhood”
Antares/Arcturus Midway Station
Great White Brotherhood

The Great White Brotherhood and The Crystal Brotherhood are cosmic beings who reside aboard the spaceship TX-11, or “The Star of Bethlehem.”

Quartz crystal, a mineral called silica and known as oxide of silicon is chemically S102. There are principles governing the crystalline growth that forms all quartz. This brings a silica atom, combined with two oxygen atoms, to form a spiral unit of frozen light. The workings of these three atoms form a mathematical calibration of piezo-electric energy that matches the energy and frequency of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Cairo, Egypt. This symbolic structure is a space-time pyramid connecting the Earth with other Universes through electromagnetic telecommunication frequencies. The most important ingredient that sends forth the spiral of energy is the quartz that is under and through the Great Pyramid. Click Here to Continue to Part 2

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