The Grand Design – Part 3

Silica is an element in the human physical body that keeps and maintains proper physical health. Without silica, the human body would cease to function. It is the electrical glue that holds the physical manifestation of the body together. Although all living humans need this substance, it is essential for the proper supply and balance to be maintained for Star Seed, Walk-Ins, and those associated with the Psychic Realms. Because these people function mainly upon dimensional and inter-dimensional frequencies they require additional but proper amounts of silica. This supplies the frequency attunement for them and helps maintain their awareness level of their mission with their Higher Mind and with their Celestial Overseers. Therefore, silica becomes the common denominator of frequencies for a higher order. Some refer to this frequency as Celestial Light. This energy and light permeates those on Earth that are Star Seed, Walk-Ins or galactic in nature. This Celestial Light acts as a beacon or signal to those who are the Celestial Guardians of all Star Seed, Walk-Ins or Lightworkers upon the planet Earth.

There are several kinds of Celestial Guardians. There are the ones just mentioned, and there are also Celestial Guardians that are in charge of frequency attunement having to do with groups, organizations, towns, cities, states, countries, etc. All these are within the frequency band of attunement and are in accordance with Cosmic Laws. Because of dimensional differences, a way was devised to bridge the gap of communication between Star Seed, Walk-Ins and Lightworkers on Earth, and with their Celestial Guardians who maintain their light in another dimension. A cosmic mathematical computer system was created with silica being the bridge for all communications coming and going out of the system. It became the active ingredient that produced the proper frequency of transmitting signals from one dimension to another. Silica became universal in frequency so that all races of advanced species would always be able to help other species of lower evolution through frequency attunement, although dimensions apart. Click Here to Continue to Part 4

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