The Grand Design – Part 5

Without the cosmic Life Force of golden frequency, which intermingles with the etheric cosmic dust of matter, the physical body can no longer hold together. The proper amount of silica in the body can help to stop this disconnect from happening. When the silica supply is diminished, and the corresponding signals can no longer take place, the soul may decide to leave the body and ask for a new assignment, because of the silica shutdown.

When this occurs, other Star Seed, Walk-Ins or Ligthworkers should come forward and help their fellow cosmic brothers and sisters to reconnect to their Life Force, and to reestablish their frequency attunement with the Golden Energy. But, if one prefers to stand back and only observe, then through the Law of Cause and Effect at some appointed time, their own Life Force may diminish in some way. This mission on Earth is to help everyone, without judgment, and without discrimination. When the need for cosmic assistance is at hand, simply go within, find the light of your own action, and let your guidance system take over. Let go and let the Divine.

The three most important connective tissues that cover the brain, the spinal cord, and nerve fibers all have large supplies of silica. When silica is under supplied, then these connective tissues start to break down and degeneration begins. These connective tissues must be working at top performance to insure the proper signaling of transmitted information for the entire system to come into balance. It is very difficult to send and receive celestial communication if these three connective tissues are not supplied with ample silica. When the nervous system breaks down due to lack of silica, a down spiral starts within the physical organs of the body, proper and normal functioning ceases, and the body goes into a degenerative state. Cells begin to disintegrate and start their transmutation journey into the down spiral. At some point, the activation of the Will to Live is withdrawn and death then becomes imminent, and so frequency attunement is without a connection to the substance. Click Here to Continue to Part 6

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