Quartz crystal, made from the property of silica, which is universal in frequency, is used for energy manifestation, communication, healings, and power sources on many planets within the universe. Memories of this stone are prevalent for many people upon the planet, but because of the misuse of quartz crystal in the past, many have chosen to look away from the brilliance and not gaze at the crystal.
The price that one can pay for the misuse of crystals is a price that most do not want to pay. It causes silica burn out. This misuse can terminate the Star Seed, Walk-In or Lightworker soul from the physical body. Emotions, when out of control, can also cause a silica burn out. Depressing thoughts, feelings of rejection, unhappiness and negative aspirations should be kept far away from crystal work. Crystals magnify the blood coding within the bloodstream and this could create blood that would program destruction to the body. Anger, hostility, greed, hate or any negative unproductive energy, when around crystals, will cause problems once the blood coding has been activated and set within the Star Seed, Walk-in or Lightworker.
Crystals, by themselves, are a vibratory mineral, so those people whose blood crystals have been changed and aligned for future crystal work, must handle crystals with positive feelings and thought forms. Crystals can magnify, amplify, direct, focus and transform energy. These energies can be awesome. Crystals are power sources that come from ALL THAT IS. Keep your thoughts into the upswing, positive, creative, and spiritual vibration. If you do, you will maintain a healthy mind and body.
To be a Star Seed, Walk-In or Lightworker is one thing, but to be one and also take the task of using crystals is a heavy responsibility to yourself, your loved ones, country, nation, and to the whole Universe. Many countries have been destroyed in the name of crystals. There are Dark Forces and Light Forces operating within the Universe, so when one is working with crystals they will be tried and tested by both. Only the ones that pass the test will be allowed to continue to use them. The Forces That Be will use everything they can think of to test your intent and loyalty of purpose. A great deal of Thought Adjusting will take place and, at times, you will think you are going insane. If your thinking isn’t right, you could develop some mental problems.
If one is not clear within one’s own crystal self, then that intent can cause a silica burn out. Crystals are a reflection of energy. How is your energy? How clear is your stuff? What is your weakest point? Where are you the most vulnerable? How often are you out of balance? Can you answer these questions truthfully? If you can’t, then there could be some Dark Force that will keep you from an understanding of your own truth. When a person is in balance, physically, mentally, spiritually, then they can stand and hold the light in such a way that the Dark Forces have to withdraw their Thought Adjusting. Only when out of balance can they project the down spiral energy and shoot the Lightworker off of their mission.
The knowledge of the Divine Laws of the Universe is in the process of an awakening. Every Star Seed, Walk-In and Lightworker radio, so to speak, has to stay in good condition and in working order to be of service to these Divine Laws. When the need for repair does come about, then others of like vibration can come to the rescue with help and healings by Divine Cosmic Laws. Everyone must be willing to help their Star Sisters and Brothers maintain their balance so that their missions can be completed. The evolution of the planet, yes, but also the entire universe must be in perfect order and balance. The crystal connection runs throughout the entire cosmos. And so, this vital information about silica and the use of crystals is being handed down at this time.