Quartz Crystals: A Celestial Point of View
A downloadable E-Book for the proper care and use of Crystals
One of the very first books ever written about Quartz Crystals in 1983, way ahead of the times, even before all the metaphysical stores started popping up. This is a rare book, after nine printings and over 100,000 sold, it’s only available now from us in eBook form. The information was channeled through Lavandar from the Crystal Brotherhood aboard the Antares/Arcturus Midway Station. These are highly advanced, multi-dimensional beings who help oversee our proper evolutionary development, and specifically, the Crystal Brotherhood oversees anything concerning crystals, because of what happened in Atlantis, due to the misuse of crystal power. The chapters include Approaching The Crystals, Caring For Crystals, Meditation, Healing, Silica – Genetic Quartz, Crystals With Sound, Activating and Charging Crystals, Recharging Crystals with the Sun, 55 Points to Remember About Crystals, and a Galactic Activation Days Table through to 2030, when you can charge your crystals with galactic frequency on specific days, taking them to a higher level.
Lavandar has been a galactic scribe through many lifetimes, keeping a chronicle of information and events to benefit future generations. She was born to do this work, having a double pineal gland, which allows her to communicate with other dimensional beings while staying conscious in the present. In the early years of her psychic development, she often worked with District Attorneys and Police Departments to help find missing persons, or help with murder cases. Her accuracy was about 95%, but she soon moved on to more metaphysical endeavors. She feels she was born to bridge the gap between celestial forces and the third dimensional Earth plane. Through her writing, she is here to help usher in the Golden Age of Reason. The information in this book was received through tele-thought communication via ionized consciousness from the Crystal Brotherhood, one of 70 Brotherhoods and Councils of Light that govern this galaxy. They also operate from the Pleiadean mothership, TX-11, also known as “The Star of Bethlehem”, with whom Lavandar has been in constant contact.
Cover Art by: Vernon Bloomer