Starseed Confirmation Reading

A recorded MP3 reading of your Natal and Progressed charts, which decodes your Natural State and Rites of Passage, your Star Markings (if you have them), your mission and origins. Your Natural State reflects your inborn abilities and earned credits from other lifetimes, your off world connections, as well as what you came here equipped to do. Your Star Markings are like diplomas earned in other lives, giving you a map of where things will come easily to you. When you live your life in alignment with your Natural State, you then have access to your Rites of Passage, which is gaining access to your Cosmic Bank account. When you live in accordance to your Natural State, and gain access to your cosmic credits, there is far less struggle and things just seem to fall into place. Check our Vault of Knowledge for more detailed information about Natural State and Rites of Passage.
The recording also includes your current Progressed chart, which is the evolution of your Natal chart, reflecting the timing of additional Star Marking activations. Star Markings activated by Progression are like renewing your license, or reinstating an old diploma, so you can expand access to your Cosmic Bank account, and possibly activate latent abilities.
Your Natal chart is like a collection of tools, so by looking in that collection, you can see that those tools are telling us what you came here to do.
The recorded MP3 that you’ll receive is about 45 to 50 minutes. Please provide your birth information in the Additional Information box during checkout. Include MM/DD/YYYY, exact time, place of birth and your current location. Our current waiting list is about 8-10 weeks.