50 Questions and Answers: A Celestial Point of View – by Lavandar
A downloadable eBook that tells the Galactic big picture
Lavandar compiled 50 profound questions to be answered by a being called Psylavon from the Crystal Brotherhood aboard the Antares/Arcturus Midway Station. The answers in this eBook were received neuro-biologically via tele-thought communication.
Question #4: Besides you, are there many other intelligent life forms throughout our Universe?
Answer: Trillions, upon trillions, upon trillions. Mathematically, you cannot count or comprehend such numbers.
Question # 21: What is the greatest threat of the Peace and Security of Planet Earth?
Answer: Spiritual ignorance is the greatest threat. Ignorance of Cosmic Laws will destroy planet after planet.
Other questions include “What role are extraterrestrial beings playing during this time of great change for the Earth?” “Can higher (evolved) beings intervene to protect the Earth?” “What effect do the planets, stars and other heavenly bodies have upon us?” “What are specific techniques to assist us in raising our vibration/energy level?”
Lavandar has been a galactic scribe through many lifetimes, keeping a chronicle of information and events to benefit future generations. She was born to do this work, having a double pineal gland, which allows her to communicate with other dimensional beings while staying conscious in the present. In the early years of her psychic development, she often worked with District Attorneys and Police Departments to help find missing persons, or help with murder cases. Her accuracy was about 95%, but she soon moved on to more metaphysical endeavors. She feels she was born to bridge the gap between celestial forces and the third dimensional Earth plane. Through her writing, she is here to help usher in the Golden Age of Reason. The information in this book was received through tele-thought communication via ionized consciousness from the Crystal Brotherhood, one of 70 Brotherhoods and Councils of Light that govern this galaxy. They also operate from the Pleiadean mothership, TX-11, also known as “The Star of Bethlehem”, with whom Lavandar has been in constant contact.
Cover Art by: Vernon Bloomer