Magical Messages from the Animal Kingdom


Help Your Children Reconnect with Mother Nature by Understanding the Animal Guides of Native America. Real life examples of how this has helped me.

Magical Messages from the Animal Kingdom

Help Your Children Reconnect with Mother Nature by Understanding the Animal Guides of Native America
by Arielle Taylor

We live in an era of social media, cell phones and devices which continually lure our children to be riveted to a screen, making them oblivious to the wonders of Mother Nature and the world around them. Childhood is a short and precious season where we learn about ourselves and the world around us, with few responsibilities, yet those years are being spent on meaningless social media dialogue and video games. Magical Messages from the Animal Kingdom provides a welcome alternative.

In Magical Messages from the Animal Kingdom, you’ll discover:

  • Exercises that help engage your children to bond with animals.
  • How your involvement can help your children to reconnect with Mother Nature.
  • Real life examples of how this has helped me.
  • Things you can do to get it started.
  • The hidden dangers of constant exposure to cell phones.
  • A way to help mitigate that constant exposure.
  • Photos and messages from 51 animals and insects

Book Excerpt from Magical Messages from the Animal Kingdom

“Shortly before I experienced a coming time of great change and advancement in my life, I had pulled into the parking lot of a shopping center and a butterfly landed on the car’s hood, right where I could see it. I noticed, but didn’t really get it until she wouldn’t leave my hood. Instead of finding a parking spot, I continued to drive around, marveling at how that butterfly was managing not to get blown off. I even sped up a little, and still she clung on to my car hood. The butterfly’s message was to let me know that many changes were coming that would transform my life for the better, and I should embrace those changes.”

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Author, Astrologer and Radio Host Arielle Taylor
Author, Astrologer and Radio Host Arielle Taylor

Arielle has always had a close connection to Mother Nature, and knew she was here to empower the younger generations. Using words, music, or astrology, she gratefully shares her gifts with those ready to receive them.

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